Before I get too involved, like a fat lady expanding her way in diabetic tights and unfortunate loafers, the above picture will be my prompt for the rest of this post...
First, some comments:
1- Brad, did you take the whig picture after church? Didn't have much else to do than look like Bon Jovi. By that time my face is covered in roast and starch, patience isn't a virtue from 4:15 to 4:30 in my house.
2- I'm glad to see that someone put our picture up without the expressed consent of those captured. Truth be told, I would have preferred something like Creed and Tiffany's landscape, with Creed looking like he's trying to read French. As for me, I look like I care about our pose, and I think that had I known my attempt to show some Adam's apple and neck were lost in an Adam's mango, I would have been less enthusiastic.
3- Tyson, you can relax that massive fore-arm. I didn't think Daegan was that heavy, and we all know you're huge.
4- Why is it that the single guys have to look like they can't maintain their normal inhibitions against yelling in driving automobiles from all of the excitement of lonely nights and boring Sunday school lessons? If that picture was accurate in the least, it would contain a tear and some guy from the ward trying to tell a story while vocalizing his effort to remember words like "bread" or "book" in English. Awe... singleness is fun, but I prefer The Bachelor and dirty bathrooms. Anyway, come on Quinn. Let's hear about what you're really doing at 9:00 pm on any given Saturday.
Zack (more to come)
I'm still waiting on the explaination of the gay picture at the start of your post. Is this Ray's Cheveron's new poster for the bathroom?
Zack Lives- you are quiet for months and then in one swoop you say more than everyone combined! sorry about your mango mug! I didn't have a whole lot to pick from. send me an updated version of your fam with "express consent from those captured!"
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