After the many admonitions and not so subtle hints from Jamison, I decided that I should contribute something to our bomb dizzle web site. We're enjoying Moscow and med school (only 3 weeks of class left for my first year...crazy). I'm learning a lot, but no I can't tell yet if the moles on your back are cancerous, so don't ask (that's my grandma's favorite question now). We have finally figured out what we'll be doing this summer. I've learned the process of setting up research with live patients, and it's kind of a pain in the rump. After several long research proposals and about 4 committees, I've got osteoperosis/stress fracture research funded for 10 weeks at WSU/UI. It should be pretty fun, I've hooked up with a researcher that has a lot of experience in biomechanics and Sports Medicine and together we're testing several exercise regimens and how they effect bone density in young kids. I'll be assaying specific bone markers and.........ok wake up, I'll spare you the boring details (call me if really want to know what I'm doing, it's pretty sweet). Anyway, we'll be here in Moscow for the first 10 weeks of the summer. Also, I was accepted into a sweet program (Rural Underserved Opportunities Program) where I get a stipend and am assigned to a rural doctor for 4 weeks. Guess where their sending me...the Burg! Yup, Rexburg does qualify as rural and underserved in the medical community. So, for 4 weeks (~July-August) we'll be chillin' in Rexburg. Well, I might be really busy actually, but I'm sure we can fit in some climbing/camping/ram ballin' etc. After this, we're going to pack up and move to Seattle. It's a cool town, so we better get some visitors while we're there. So, that's the quick run down. We're excited that we get to hang with some stallions before we move to the big city!
Ok, here we are being semi-normal
1 comment:
Your grandma realy asks if her moles are cancerous? Does she show them to you and keep flicking at them?
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