Sunday, April 26, 2009

Blog Update - Finally

Hey guys,

I finally updated my blog if you want to check it out and see what's been going on here in LA. Hope you are all well. It is fun getting updates from you guys.


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Quinn's 100,000 Mile Party

This video will keep you laughing for a long time. I had to edit out some parts where we were being a bit crude. All I have to say about this occurance is that puberty made us super annoying.

Comment on this video and let us know your thoughts. Were we really like this?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Mission Prep Class 2002

Remember that mission prep class that some of us took at BYU-Idaho. I remember taking the class with Creed, Tyson, and Zack. There might have been one other Stallion in that class, but I can't remember.

Anyways, that class was so fun. It was also wierd. Wierd enough to make me want to doodle the occurances that took place every day in that class. This illustration might be offensive to some, so I apologize. I drew this in 2002. can you blame me?

Monday, April 20, 2009

Birds of Prey and a Fresh Ride

Before I get too involved, like a fat lady expanding her way in diabetic tights and unfortunate loafers, the above picture will be my prompt for the rest of this post...

First, some comments:

1- Brad, did you take the whig picture after church? Didn't have much else to do than look like Bon Jovi. By that time my face is covered in roast and starch, patience isn't a virtue from 4:15 to 4:30 in my house.

2- I'm glad to see that someone put our picture up without the expressed consent of those captured. Truth be told, I would have preferred something like Creed and Tiffany's landscape, with Creed looking like he's trying to read French. As for me, I look like I care about our pose, and I think that had I known my attempt to show some Adam's apple and neck were lost in an Adam's mango, I would have been less enthusiastic.

3- Tyson, you can relax that massive fore-arm. I didn't think Daegan was that heavy, and we all know you're huge.

4- Why is it that the single guys have to look like they can't maintain their normal inhibitions against yelling in driving automobiles from all of the excitement of lonely nights and boring Sunday school lessons? If that picture was accurate in the least, it would contain a tear and some guy from the ward trying to tell a story while vocalizing his effort to remember words like "bread" or "book" in English. Awe... singleness is fun, but I prefer The Bachelor and dirty bathrooms. Anyway, come on Quinn. Let's hear about what you're really doing at 9:00 pm on any given Saturday.

Zack (more to come)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Anyone know Scott and Kristen's email?

Friday, April 17, 2009

Also- if I am missing a child's name and or have something spelled wrong just let me know.

Almost there

If you are one of the people that checks this blog often and still does not see your picture along the right side or do not yet have authorship then please send me a picture and accept the invitation sent to your inbox. we've about got everyone up and running. Also, if you want to update your picture on the side just post it or email it to me. I will get it done.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Stallion Role Call

Alright stallions. Jameson has been trying to get us all to use this blog a little more. So I have decided to give you all an incentive to let us know who uses this blog. Watch this video and then comment on it so that we know who is reading this blog. Spread the word that this video is on the Stallion Blog so that we can get 100% attendance.

Note: Forgive me for not being creative with music and slow motion. I decided to do a quick editing job. Next time I'll do something sweet.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Evelyn Belle Hayes arrived by stork on Wednesday April 8th!
She is a happy beautiful little girl that can eat like an ugly boy!

Momma and baby are doing wonderful!
Dad is ecstatic!

I thought this picture was great because we couldn't even get her to cry when she had her first bath!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hansen Fam

Word Dawwgs,
After the many admonitions and not so subtle hints from Jamison, I decided that I should contribute something to our bomb dizzle web site. We're enjoying Moscow and med school (only 3 weeks of class left for my first year...crazy). I'm learning a lot, but no I can't tell yet if the moles on your back are cancerous, so don't ask (that's my grandma's favorite question now). We have finally figured out what we'll be doing this summer. I've learned the process of setting up research with live patients, and it's kind of a pain in the rump. After several long research proposals and about 4 committees, I've got osteoperosis/stress fracture research funded for 10 weeks at WSU/UI. It should be pretty fun, I've hooked up with a researcher that has a lot of experience in biomechanics and Sports Medicine and together we're testing several exercise regimens and how they effect bone density in young kids. I'll be assaying specific bone markers and.........ok wake up, I'll spare you the boring details (call me if really want to know what I'm doing, it's pretty sweet). Anyway, we'll be here in Moscow for the first 10 weeks of the summer. Also, I was accepted into a sweet program (Rural Underserved Opportunities Program) where I get a stipend and am assigned to a rural doctor for 4 weeks. Guess where their sending me...the Burg! Yup, Rexburg does qualify as rural and underserved in the medical community. So, for 4 weeks (~July-August) we'll be chillin' in Rexburg. Well, I might be really busy actually, but I'm sure we can fit in some climbing/camping/ram ballin' etc. After this, we're going to pack up and move to Seattle. It's a cool town, so we better get some visitors while we're there. So, that's the quick run down. We're excited that we get to hang with some stallions before we move to the big city!

P.S. Here are our most recent family photos, we may have changed a little since you saw us last (We have all gained a little weight). I also added a picture of me...I have been missing the band playing days.

Ok, here we are being semi-normal

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Summer Lov'in

The Eaton's are hopeful for this summer. We will be in Rexburg but traveling to some-what near by locations for fun. Our trips have already begun:

Jennilyn spent seven days in Logan, UT with her family. After the 6th day, I met up with her and did a "teaser run" in Walden Park to prepare us for the Salt Lake City Marathon. We ran anywhere from 20-22 miles. Later that day, I met with two individuals about possible employment as the Program Director for The Front Climbing Gym in Ogden. Then we loaded up in our mini-van and took of to Moab, UT to do some red-rock crack climbing.

Today, I competed in a climbing competition at ISU. I was the only adult to compete, but I felt like I established a personal record.

We're going to sit tight for a little and then on April 18, we get to run the 26.2 miles of the SLC Marathon. Several hours after that we are going to WICKED, a play about the witches from the Wizard of OZ.

I will be directing the Teton Dam Marathon & Races again this year, so June tends to be a little busy for me. But throughout the rest of the summer we plan on climbing and camping. I'm gonna try to make it so that we can attend some days of the International Climbers Festival in Wyoming in August. Jennilyn wants to run the Teton Dam Half-marathon. Both of us plan on climbing Mt. Moran this summer.

So if any of you distant Stallions come to Rexburg for the summer, look us up. We now live in the Village Apartments.