Sunday, May 20, 2012

Change of Plans

So I mentioned before that I was graduating from Law school and would be heading to Oregon. Well I did graduate, but we are now in Utah.  Law jobs are scarce right now, so when the owner of Murdock Hyundai called me and asked me to be a manager at the SLC Hyundai store, I couldn't say no.  So if any of you are ever in the area or in the market for a vehicle,  you know where to find us.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Photo Card

Contemporary Cute Boy Baby Announcements
Find hundreds of cute baby birth announcements at
View the entire collection of cards.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Hayes

At least I know Ben checks this thing every once in a while. We just had our second, a boy a couple of days ago. We named him Oliver. I am in my last semester of Law school and than we are moving to wherever I can find a job. Most likely Oregon. I am looking around the Bend area right now for something. I would post some pictures here but I already posted on the Hayes family blog at I would re-post but I don't know if anyone would even see it.

I would be great to hear from any of you. I talked to Ben recently, He seems to be doing great. Hope the rest of you are the same.
